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Showing posts from April, 2009

Teks Pidato Manfaat Teknologi

Teks Pidato - Seiring perkembangan teknologi saat ini, dimana zaman telah berubah dari zaman agrikultur menjadi zaman teknologi informasi, tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa segala sesuatu di dunia ini ada manfaatnya, namun tergantung siapa yang akan memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut dan bagaimana dia memanfaatkannya hingga teknologi benar-benar bermanfaat. Akhir-akhir ini, orang banyak menilai teknologi kurang bermanfaat, apa betul? Sebenarnya orang-orang yang berprasangka seperti itu tidak mengetahui manfaat teknologi sebenarnya. Jadi perlu ada pemberitahuan semacam pencerahan berupa pidato. Berikut kami menemukan contoh, naskah teks PIDATO tentang MANFAAT TEKNOLOGI yang bisa didownload melalui link dibawah ini: Download Contoh, Teks Pidato Manfaat Teknologi. Apakah isi teks naskah pidato yang disediakan disini tidak sesuai dengan yang diaharapkan, atau kurang tepat disebut sebagai sebuah naskah pidato tentang manfaat teknologi?. Jika begitu, beri tahu kami melalui Box komentar dibawah ini....

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Anak Sekolah

Contoh, naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris singkat untuk anak sekolah . Saat ini, kompetensi belajar mewajibkan anak sekolah, siswa untuk tidak hanya mampu berbahasa Inggris namun, juga mampu berpidato dalam bahasa Inggris. Yang namanya anak sekolah pasti butuh pidato bahasa Inggris yang singkat. Jadi, diawah ini kami menemukan pidato bahasa Inggris yang cukup singkat dan pendek dan cocok sekali untuk anak sekolah, siswa SMA atau SMP. --------------------------------------- EVERYBODY NEEDS FANTASY Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember the first time you saw magic? Well, when I was a little kid, my kindergarten teacher showed me a trick. That was when I first watched magic. She did this:(performing) "Hey kids, look at this handkerchief. I push this blue handkerchief into my hand, and watch. It's gone! But if you say a magic word, 'abracadabra', you can make it reappear!" I couldn't believe my eyes. And this experience inspired me to start learning magic. Today, howev...

The Most Controversial Male Musician of Indonesia

Ahmad Dhani, Yeah... Ahmad Dhani is the most controversial male musician in Indonesia , my country... there is always controversial thing. Ahmad Dhani has started showing his talent from child, like his sons (Al, El and Dul that popular with their song Bukan Superman right now) Ahmad Dhani has a big talent in music. All music instruments, what it was, just say them one by one Ahmad Dhani can play it all well. He divorced with his wife who is also popular singer in Indonesia, Maia Estianti. Actually, Dhani is an arrogant artist in Indonesia; so many cases faced him in his band's career. Dhani established Dewa 19, and now, that band became one of legends band of Indonesia in spite of others band like Koes Plus, Slank and etc. Why Ahmad Dhani is called "The most controversial musician" It is because of his behaviors. Arrogant, careless statement, cold, bull headed his domination in group. He has ever demanded by a businessman because of his statement, demanded by FPI (Islam ...

Pidato Tentang HIV / AIDS Bahasa Inggris

HIV / AIDS adalah penyakit yang mematikan, banyak dari kita berkampanye, berpidato dan berorasi untuk mencegah dan mensosialisasikan penanggulangannya. Baik itu dalam bahasa kita maupun bahasa asing, seperti pidato HIV / AIDS dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk berbagai perlombaan. Nah, sebelumnya kami juga telah menerbitkan dua naskah pidato tentang HIV dan AIDS yang bisa didownload secara gratis. Sekarang ini ada lagi satu naskah pidato tentang HIV / AIDS, namun dalam bahasa Inggris. Maklum kami memahami bahwa dalam perlombaan pidato bahasa Inggris, sangat sulit sekali menemukan t eks naskah pidato tentang HIV / AIDS . Ya sudah, langsung aja dowload teks baskah pidatonya melaui link dibawah ini: Download Naskah pidato HIV/AIDS Bahasa Inggris Jika Anda punya Naskah pidato tentang HIV / AIDS dalam Bahasa Inggris , baik itu dapat di internet maupun karangan sendiri, bagi-bagi kami ya, biar bisa diterbitkan disini.

Contoh Teks, naskah pidato HIV/AIDS II

Baiklah, demi menjawab permintaan pasar naskah dan teks pidato (alah.. emang berdagang) Xpresi Blogger kembali menghadirkan contoh Naskah Pidato terbaru . Sama dengan tulisan sebelumnya, naskah pdato ini masih berkisar tentang HIV / AIDs jadi, lebih banyak pilihan untuk bahan pidato. Teks, Naskah Pidato tentang HIV / AIDS ini pernah disampaikan oleh seorang Mentri Makanan dan Kesehatan dalam sebuah seminar tentang HIV/AIDS. Teks pidatonya sengaja tidak kami tampilkan disini karena lumayan panjang, ada sekitar tiga halaman word. Ok, baiklah dengan tidak berbicara panjang lebar lagi, silakan download naskah pidatonya dibawah ini: Download Contoh Teks, naskah pidato HIV/AIDS II Jika Anda punya Naskah pidato tentang HIV / AIDS , baik itu dapat di internet maupun karangan sendiri, bagi-bagi kami ya, biar bisa diterbitkan disini.

Teks naskah pidato tentang HIV/AIDS

Akhir-akhir ini banyak yang coba mencari contoh Teks , Naskah Pidato tentang HIV / AIDS . Kebanyakan tersesat ke blog ini dengan kata kunci " teks pidato HIV / AIDS " atau " contoh teks, naskah pidato tentang HIV / AIDS ". Tentu saja kawan-kawan yang mencarinya kecewa karena tidak menemukan apa yang dicari. Nah, atas dasar diataslah, Xpresi Blogger mencoba mencari Teks, naskah Pidato tentang HIV/AIDS. Maka dari hasil riset dan hunting sana-sini kami menemukan satu buah teks, naskah pidato yang berjudul: Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS. Teks pidato yang akan kami bagikan atau dapat di download secara gratis ini, tidak panjang tidak pula pendek. Teks, naskahnya terdiri dari tiga halaman word dengan font 12 times new roman. Baiklah dengan tidak panjang lebar lagi, silakan download pidatonya dibawah ini: Download Teks naskah pidato tentang HIV/AIDS Jika kamu punya koleksi sendiri Naskah pidato tentang HIV / AIDS , bagi-bagi kami ya agar bisa diterbitkan disin...

Teks Naskah Pidato Global Warming 2

Bagi kawan-kawan yang ingin ikut lomba pidato khusus pidato dalam bahasa inggris. Ini satu lagi Teks , naskah mengenai pidato Global Warming dalam bahasa inggris. Pidato Global Warming ini sudah lama saya temukan di Internet ini. Berikut pidatonya ( Global Warming ). --------------------------- Global Warming Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb First of all I would like to say thank you to the teacher and all my friend who has given mee nice opportunity speech on this day, about global warming. We know global warming is serious problem which is world well in country developing and country developed. Global waming in reason by activity human which working way a ware or not a ware. Global warming is a process to increase body temperature average atmosfer: sea and land. Stage body temperature global settlement will to cause alteration which other except to clib surface sea water, stage weather, and alteration total. Result global warming which other influenced crop agriculture, and destroyed kind...

Naskah Pidato Pemanasan Global

Naskah Pidato - Bagi kawan-kawan yang ingin ikut lomba pidato khusus pidato tentang pemanasan global , ini kami temukan naskah, teks mengenai contoh pidato tentang pemanasan Global. Pidato Pemanasan Global ini sudah lama saya temukan di Internet ini. Berikut naskah pidato pemasan global nya. --------------------------- Cara Mudah Mengurangi Pemanasan Global Asslamu'alaikum wr. wb. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera. Dalam kesempatan berbahagia ini marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang sudah mengumpulkan kita tanpa kekurangan satu apapun. Yang terhormat Ibu guru pembimbing bahasa Indonesia, dan semua teman – teman yang saya cintai dan saya banggakan. Kita semua tentu pernah mendengar kata globar worming yang sudah tidak asing lagi di bahas di berbagai media. Pemanasan global atau global warming merupakan masalah serius yang sedang mengancam bumi kita saat ini. Salah satu akibat dari pemanasan global adalah rusaknya lapisan Ozon dan perubahan iklim...

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Go Green

Di internet banyak sekali yang mencari contoh pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dengan maksud untuk membantu ini satu lagi contoh teks naskah pidato bahasa Inggris masih dengan tema Global Warming yang berjuudl Go Green . Nah, bagi sesiapa yang sulit menemukan contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris disini sudah disediakan. -------------------------- Go Green Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher from all Senior High Schools in Bekasi, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen… Good Morning!! First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen. In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme “Go Green!” Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was beca...

Indonesian Parliament Election April 2009

Time to vote who will be the vices of Indonesians’ voice in parliament. Members of parliament in Indonesia establish much important decision for the country. But, also not a few scandals and cases engage the members of parliament. Corruption, crisis of morality, materialistic, glamorous and disciplinary challenge new members that will be voted. A parliamentarian has responsibility to hold a brief to people not to party, group, class or himself. Nowadays Parliament (House of Representatives) has “another secret purpose” to be the member. You can see how enthusiast the candidate in campaign is, they spent much money and they want to take it back and it is possible that they want to gain profit. As a legislative assembly, a member of parliament has an obligatory to help citizen, no another thing. There is old issue named Golput, Golongan Putih (people who made decision to not vote in election). This is not little problem. Absolutely it is caused by “another purpose of candidate”. But, as ...

Alexa, Boost My Rank Please...

Yes... so far my Alexa rank growth is good. I did my Alexa Secret theory to lift this site rank based on Alexa sparky . The theory is mine but, I am not too serious in applying it so, my Alexa Rank goes up slowly. Before I do the Alexa Rank theory in the beginning of March, my rank is bigger than 1.300.000, - and now you can check it by seeing my Alexa widget below, in footer. May be you ask me why I want Alexa to boost my rank? Yeah, yesterday my site rank fallen. I want my Alexa rank higher, What for? First, I want to make sure that my Alexa Rank theory is absolutely right. Second, this is all about prestige, the prestige of this site. Although it is free but, it has to credible, because I developed it more than a year and now is the time to develop it more serious. What do you think if this page has its own domain and hosting?. And I have a plan to buy a Dot Edu (e.g. and host it in blogspot. Why do I choose Dot Edu? Not too long until I become an English teache...

When Google Pagerank Update April

When Does Google Pagerank Update This April 2009 Absolutely, as web developers we are waiting for Google Pagerank updates and we want to know the result of the updating. Who does not care about this, tell me ;) Uppss... for you who do not know yet what the pagerank is, do not worry, I will tell you (not show) first. Pagerank is Google trade mark that value a site or a page based on links in and links out. Google pagerank is different with page rank. If you want to know the details of page or website rank , find them here . Several tycoons out there told that Google pagerank will be updated at the end of March but, others told at this April (2009). As I know Google pagerank is updated regularly about two or three month for an update, and the last update was in February 14, Valentine Day. My prediction this site's pagerank will fall, because of losing two big links in. They are a link in with pagerank 5 and a link in with pagerank 4. I am still curious; I hope all of my blog's pa...

Arabic TV Serial on Indonesia Television

Affected by Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC) the movie, Indonesian Television watchers become Arabic style fans. Veil sale is rising, youngster love to cheat Arabic style like the star movie of Ayat-Ayat Cinta, the movie that based on the best seller novel of Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Now it affected Indonesians' sense. The influence is still continuing, one of the television Channel in Indonesia has program that shows a TV serial (Sinetron) using Arabic. That TV serial is Muslimah. All of the actors and Actress is Indonesian people, none of them is Arabic. The actors in that TV serial can speak Arabic fluently although not all of the scene uses Arabic. Like another Indonesia TV serial, this program also talks about love, scandal, gossip and conspiracy. It so amazing that watchers are many, they do not think Arabic is strange. Yeah, although it uses Arabic, Indonesian text is available so, the watchers can understand what the actors and actress talking about easily.