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Showing posts from February, 2009

Deteksi Basketball League Riau 2009 Begins

Do you still remember about Honda Deteksi Basketball League that held in 2008? If you watched it, you must be remembering it. That event was held for the first time in Riau province and you could TASTE it, could not you? Noisy, Crowd are everywhere in a hall sport center Rumbai, Pekanbaru. There were dozens of students queue for tickets. Today, Friday 27 February 2009 at 2.00 P.M you will meet again. Honda Deteksi Basketball League (DBL) Riau Pos 2009 will be held, the biggest event in Riau that is held for students, teenagers and younger. But, if you are a teacher, citizen or whoever you are, you can still watch that basketball match. It is held everyday at noon until March 7. Last year, senior high school of Santa Maria won the league for the boy and SMAN 11 for the girl. It was awesome that were thousands watchers came to hall sport center Rumbai watching final between Santa Maria versus MAN 2 Model, It was big event. For you who loves basketball and lives in Pekanbaru city area, y

Hollywood Undercover, The Real Facts

Ups.. This is only a short history of Hollywood ^_^ Do you know that Hollywood is formerly planned to be a model of society where free from alcohol? That area had found by Wilcox family who had bought it in 1887. Once, Mrs. Wilcox was sitting in train, next to her, there was a woman who has a summer house named "Hollywood". Appearance, Mrs. Wilcox like the sound of that name. Then, she chose Hollywood as her area. As long as 20 years later, Hollywood is a nice village. The villagers there were no serious problem. And ten years later, Hollywood is a village with five hundreds citizens which is still no problem, that area is easy to handle, as easy as the citizens keep their sheep in order to not to run the streets. Ten years later, Hollywood changed becoming a center of national film industry for two reasons. The first, the weather was possible to make a film that spends much time. And the second, the film makers were often afraid about prosecution that is caused by breaking

Social Network, Chat and Date

Do not ask me again what is that social network, I think all of you, especially who is playing around internet and blog know about it clearly. Usually, a social network site contains pages for our profile, stuff and uploading photos storage. There, in social network site, also contains an application that allows us to connect each other as members of the network, to leave a comment or testimonial, grabbing anyone else’s photos and etc. Social Network as a place to Chat and Date Nowadays, social network becomes a popular virtual destination in internet. Many people keep in touch each other through it. This media, like its author wished, became a place where male and female chat, share and discuss their hobbies and daily activities. Then, they do dating. It is possible that they continue to a real world dating not only in virtual world anymore.

Lowongan Kerja Untuk Mahasiswa

Banyak sekali tersedia lowongan kerja dan peluang usaha yang cocok untuk mahasiswa yang memerlukan masukan tambahan. Kita tahu bahwa kebanyakan, status mahasiswa yang melekat pada diri seorang tidak menjadi sebuah penghalang untuk bekerja part time atau paruh waktu. Memang, jika melihat formulir penerimaan kerja setiap ada lowongan, selalu mensyaratkan S 1 atau sarjana, jarang sekali kita jumpai lowongan kerja yang memberi persyaratan sebagai seorang mahasiswa. Tenang saja, sebenarnya peluang kerja bagi mahasiswa banyak sekali, mulai dari bekerja sebagai penyiar radio, MC, jualan pulsa (yang sedang tren saat ini), menjadi agen asuransi, sampai jual parfum non-alkohol. Semua pekerjaan diatas dapat memberikan penghasilan ekstra bagi mahasiswa dari pada menunggu kiriman uang dari kampung. Jika ingin mendapat penghasilan, tidak boleh malu atau gengsi, ambil semua lowongan dan coba semua kesempatan kerja yang ada. Yang terpenting, apa yang kita kerjakan menghasilakn uang halal dan legal, be

How to Get Scholarship

Probably, there many question flow about how to get scholarship. It was true that we can not lie, in global recession situation nowadays, we as a student need scholarship very much. At the end I try to find information to some of students in senior level who have received scholarship and I try to ask them about how to get scholarship . Easy steps how to get Scholarship - Score. Your lesson score determined whether you get scholarship or not. Study hard in order to get good score. Higher score is better. - After got your lesson score, a good score, you may request your transcript. Higher your score, your chance to get scholarship is bigger. - Request a certificate that tells you an active student. AS a university Student you have to be diligent in attends the lecture. Because it also determined whether you proper to get a scholarship or not. - Make a letter recommendation from neighborhood association where you live. This is also for determining your family financial

Krisis, Belanja Iklan 2008 Naik

Lembaga riset AC Nielsen mencatat Belanja Iklan sepanjang 2008 secara keseluruhan meningkat 19 persen atau sebesar Rp41,71 triliun dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya Belanja Iklan tercatat Rp. 35,08 triliun. Peningkatan biaya ini Iklan ini menggambarkan industri perekonomian di Indonesia yang terbilang baik meskipun telah memasuki resesi ekonomi dunia. ''Belanja Iklan pada 2008 ternyata tidak dipengaruhi oleh dampak resesi ekonomi global. Walaupun demikian pada oktober 2008 belanja iklan sempat anjlok sebesar 24 persen namun tidak berlangsung lama,'' sebut Manajer Senior AC Nielsen Maikarandini, usai presentasi Belanja Iklan 2008, di Gedung Mayapanda, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta akhir bulan lalu. Anjloknya biaya iklan pada oktober lalu, adalah sebagai sikap wait and see yang yang ditunjukkan para pelaku industri untuk tidak mengeluarkan biaya iklan akibat dampak dari resesi global. Dia juga mengatakan, biaya Belanja Iklan tersebut kembali meningkat pada bulan November

Cara Mendapatkan Beasiswa

Mungkin banyak pertanyaan mengalir tentang bagaimana mendapatka n beasiswa . Memang tidak dapat dipungkiri, dalam keadaan serba sulit seperti sekarang ini kita sebagai mahasiswa sangat mebutuhkan beasiswa. Akhirnya saya coba mencari informasi kepada beberapa kakak tingkat yang pernah mendapatkan beasiswa dan coba menanyakan kepada mereka bagaiamana cara mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. - Nilai. Aspek nilai prestasi kuliah sangat menentukan dalam hal cair atau tidaknya beasiswa, sebaiknya usahakan nilai tinggi. - Setelah mendapatkan nilai dan Index Prestasi Kumulatif atau IPK (biasanya semester dua keatas) yang tinggi maka mintalah transkrip nilai. Semaikin tinggi IPK, Mahasiwa cendrung mudah mendapatkan beasiswa dan jumlah beasiswa nya juga lebih besar. - Mintalah surat tanda aktif kuliah. Mahasiswa harus rajin kuliah (masuk kelas) karena hal ini juga sangat menentukan dalam hal mendapatkan beasiswa. - Buatlah surat keterangan dari RT atau Kepala Desa di tempat tinggalmu. Hal ini untuk m

Study Abroad?

Study abroad , actually is not a choice but, probably several of us want to study abroad especially in advance country like United States of America (USA) and Australia. In addition universities and education there is advanced, sometimes students want to feel how studying in foreign country where very different from their owns. It was right that Study abroad lift the graduation status of the student becoming higher then study in his own country, because they suppose university in USA or Australia is international standard with best quality of education. But pity that many of students are constrained by their education financial. We know that financial to study abroad like in USA and Australia is very expensive, only a small number of students in Indonesia have well financial. A number of students in Indonesia who studied abroad are in government expense, that means students got scholarship. Study Abroad and Scholarship A large number of Indonesian students got a help from go

MOre Fresh and More Theme 2009..

Yes.. yes.. yes.. I got my old theme out of this blog. I am so tired for several month doing new home for this blog in wordpress platform. Oh.. Ok.. this is the types of themes that I use: Upps.. I do not store the newest blog theme here, I am sorry.. May be next time I will show you new fresh blog themes Februari 2009 update. Cheer.. ^_^