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Kata kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris

Kata kata Cinta Bahasa InggrisKata kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris. Masih seputar percintaan nih, maklum sesuai dengan tema forum kita ini yang bertajuk Student alias pelajar, siswa, remaja dan muda-mudi, maka berikut ada ngutip-ngutip juga nih dari kanan kiri beberapa kata kata cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Ini beda lho Bro and Sis bukan puisi cinta bahasa Inggris tapi kata kata romantis saja, cukup pas untuk kirim-kiriman sms. Ayo check it out!

When you love someone,
all your saved-up wishes start coming out.

- Elizabeth Bowen -


Love is strong yet delicate.
It can be broken.
To truly love is to understand this.
To be in love is to respect this.

- Stephen Packer -


You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.

- David Levesque -


There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.

- George Sand -


My love for you is like getting a diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.
If my love is a question, I'm sure u are the answer


Love you a little bit more
I love you a little bit more when you call me honey
I love you a little bit more when you hold my hand
I love you a little bit more when you hug me.
I love you a little bit more. Every day.


If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do and I always will

Gimana koleksi Kata kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris disini? Baguskan? Eh, bila Studentmagzer ada kata-kata cinta dalam Bahasa Inggris yang lebih mantap, ajib, romantis, bikin cowok atau cewek ampe meleleh (lebay) kasih ya.
