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General Election and the Roles of University Students

Number of voter decrease. It was funny fact which the number of community increase but voters in election decreases. Base on LP3S (an independent survey institution) on the recent general election – general election to vote members of parliament in 2009 – there is thirty four percent of Indonesians who are abstaining, whereas they are allowed to vote already. At least, there are two possible answers for these phenomena.

The first problem is general election commission does not promote the event effectively. Ineffective promotion of general election is the main problem. Some of us who lives in a city will think committee have promoted their program aggressively in many ways, by television, radio, internet and so on. But, what about down village community who have little thing to get the general election information.

The second problem is interest to join general election is too low. There are some aspects that affect voter’s desire to poll, to choose the candidates of parliament. Why it can be happen? Is not the candidate qualified? voters rarely answer with that reason.

Actually, only the first problem – why the number of voters decreases – can attempt me to write this article. Far before general election will be held, several politic observers have predicted: if general election commission is not seriously promote - socialize how to vote, when the time, for what to vote - to community.

We have to admit one thing, all of effort of the general election commission to promote, socialize the election would not effectively reached if all components of this country are not support.

As university students, intellectuals, who call themselves “agent of change”, have to take a part of it. Students have to contribute to the general election, if it is needed; they stood behind the general election commission to protect them from disturbers. Students should not do oration against parliament candidates but, help the commission is enough.

Roles of University Students
University students are intellectual community who always care about their country progression and development. They have a special behavior to get the last information about politic, social issue around them and include general election.

We have to proud of our friend who held a seminar about election in this Islamic State University several times ago. It is just an example of our roles in General Election. To help general election commission is not difficult.

One of the best which is owned by university students is, capable to speak fluently so, we can socialize and tell people around us to use their rightful authority to vote in election. Tell them about the effect, the importance and the significance to vote, tell them that their voice is valuable to change this country.

We also have to proud of our friends who decide to make the characteristic of a good candidate and the bad one; they print and distribute it to some strategic locations where people can easily read and see. It is indirectly attractive them to know who the candidate is, and they begin to know, will the candidate voice their aspiration or not. So, these efforts also help driving people to participate and join the general election actively. In any case, these effort will decrease the number of abstain people in this beloved country.

The facts, not a few students – university students - shout, invite and persuade the voters to abstain in election, what is going on? It is clearly, every person of students declare themselves as agent of change so, the behavior inviting another to be abstain is still questionable.

As university students we have to be carefully shouted the voice and statement, we don’t have to shout blind and fool statement. It was true that democration is identically freedom, but do not use such as “freedom” to persuade another to do wrong decision.


  1. jangan sampe mahasiswa ditunggangi oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan

    eh nyambung ga ya ma postingan?


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