Bagi kawan-kawan yang ingin ikut lomba pidato khusus pidato dalam bahasa inggris. Ini satu lagi Teks, naskah mengenai pidato Global Warming dalam bahasa inggris. Pidato Global Warming ini sudah lama saya temukan di Internet ini. Berikut pidatonya (Global Warming).
Global Warming
Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all I would like to say thank you to the teacher and all my friend who has given mee nice opportunity speech on this day, about global warming.
We know global warming is serious problem which is world well in country developing and country developed. Global waming in reason by activity human which working way a ware or not a ware.
Global warming is a process to increase body temperature average atmosfer: sea and land. Stage body temperature global settlement will to cause alteration which other except to clib surface sea water, stage weather, and alteration total. Result global warming which other influenced crop agriculture, and destroyed kind animal. All energy source which can be grond originally with sun.
A part that energy inside form short wave radiation, including apperent shine when this energy to hit ground surface it changeable with shine to make hot with to warm up eart. (.....)
Teks, contoh naskah pidato tentang Global Warming ini masih ada 3/4 Bagian Lagi, untuk selengkapnya.
Global Warming
Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all I would like to say thank you to the teacher and all my friend who has given mee nice opportunity speech on this day, about global warming.
We know global warming is serious problem which is world well in country developing and country developed. Global waming in reason by activity human which working way a ware or not a ware.
Global warming is a process to increase body temperature average atmosfer: sea and land. Stage body temperature global settlement will to cause alteration which other except to clib surface sea water, stage weather, and alteration total. Result global warming which other influenced crop agriculture, and destroyed kind animal. All energy source which can be grond originally with sun.
A part that energy inside form short wave radiation, including apperent shine when this energy to hit ground surface it changeable with shine to make hot with to warm up eart. (.....)
Teks, contoh naskah pidato tentang Global Warming ini masih ada 3/4 Bagian Lagi, untuk selengkapnya.
Silakan donwload Teks Pidato Global Warming 2 disini.Bagi yang merasa memiliki naskah, teks asli pidato tentang global warming ini, silakan kasih tahu kami, ok.
ReplyDeleteMang mau ada acara apa sich?
Maaf, aku emang gak tau.
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ReplyDeleteGimana sih .........? Cara nge download naskah pidatonya ??????????????????????????????? I dont understand
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